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Amber Parrish
Reading/Math Specialist
Carthage Middle School
Lacey Pence
Paraprofessional / Aide
Carthage Middle School
Sarah Roberts
6th Grade ELA/Lit Teacher
Carthage Middle School
Jacob Rowland
Head Cook
Carthage Middle School
Erika Russell
PreK Teacher
Carthage Primary School
Abbey Thorman
5/6 Math Teacher
Carthage Middle School
Lindsay Schreacke
Food Service Director/Head Cook
District Office
Amy Shirey
ELL Teacher
Carthage Middle School
Jennie Snodgrass
Carthage Primary School
Darcy Stonger
Special Education Teacher
Carthage Middle School
Sarah Talley
K-2 Special Education Teacher
Carthage Primary School
Ann Thompson
Paraprofessional / Aide
Carthage Primary School
Donna Thompson
Paraprofessional / Aide
Carthage Primary School
Katie Todd
Paraprofessional / Aide
Carthage Middle School
Miakea Toubekis
3rd Grade Teacher
Carthage Primary School
Paytanne Tripp
Paraprofessional / Aide
Carthage Primary School
Traci Twaddle
Kindergarten Teacher
Carthage Primary School
Dave Ufkes
Bus Driver
District Office
Christina White
Carthage Primary School
Jenny White
5th ELA/Lit Teacher
Carthage Middle School